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If you are trying to become your best as a professional but for some reason, it's not coming together, coaching may be the answer. Let's check it out by taking the Professional Performance Inventory—it costs nothing!
If you are a professional, no matter what business or industry you are in, there is an expectation of what it means to be a professional. You want to look the part and BE that person.
Who is that person?
Someone others trust and look to for answers, guidance, experience, and insight. Someone who not only seems to have it together but does. A person who has confidence in what they do and especially in who they are. Who handles difficulties, challenges, and the unexpected with calmness, self-assurance, and effective action. One who knows their business inside and out, works well with others, handles conflict in healthy ways, and exceeds expectations in getting the job done.
This is someone who knows themselves. They are the same person in their personal life as they are in their professional life. Indeed, they are a person of integrity who commands respect and gives respect.
There are two things that do not plague them and set them apart.
They are not riddled with self-doubt and selfishness.
Dear Maikel,
I wanted to let you know how much value I place on the things you have taught me in the self and business improvement coaching that I have received from you. The concepts and insight I have received have been a boost for me in both my personal and my professional life.
Learning how to manage my time, but more than that, teaching me the value of writing in my business journal has been an invaluable tool that has really made a huge difference for me in my life. I have a much clearer vision of who I am and where I want to go and have been better able to figure out what my stumbling blocks in life have been so that I can take the steps I need to walk around those blocks and make some real progress in my life instead of just hoping and wishing that it would someday happen, which is what I have done with most of my past life.
I have often heard and believed in the statement that no man is an island. Everything we do affects someone else around us, somehow, some way. The concepts and principles I have learned from you, I find myself teaching my kids, and also teaching the people I work with in my professional career, and to some degree, to people I associate with in my church as well. In short, a lot of people besides just myself are benefiting from the great things you have taught me.
Thank you for your wisdom and your insight. I consider you to be one of the great people who have come into my life. I mean that most sincerely.
-Allen R
Selfish people are nearly impossible to coach because they do not see themselves as selfish. Moreover, they have stockpiled evidence (as they see it) of those rare times they were not selfish, which exceptions prove the point.
People how know it all, are not coachable.
Those who are too scared to take that leap, are not coachable.
But if you are are curious, open to learning and, and ready to do new things, you're coachable.
Are You Highly Curious and Eager to Move Forward
If you are not a selfish person but are highly curious and motivated to become the best you can be as a person and a professional, but "things" are holding you back, then you are on the playing field of doubt and anxiety - a pretty normal place for most people.
Your challenge is you don't want to be where most people are. Not that you want to be better than others. You simply want to be your best.
No doubt you've made improvements on your own. You've read the books, applied what you've learned, and made definite progress, but have yet to break through certain barriers that keep popping up repeatedly with no solution in sight.
This makes no sense. You're smart, capable, and willing to do the work if only you knew what to do! What's up with that?
in some areas, you are outstanding and notable. In other areas, you are sucking for air, looking for answers. It's a vicious cycle that has gone on too long.
It is because you are smart and have the ability to self-reflect that can get you into this vicious cycle of self-doubt and immobilization. You see others who are no smarter or talented than you, maybe even less so, yet they are not hobbled by these internal distractions. They hit their stride, and without a second thought, they go for it!
You can, and probably have, analyzed your situation to death. Still, that doesn't change anything. Some important golden rings remain just out of your reach. It's frustrating and perplexing.
What are the missing pieces?
Well, who doesn't, right?
Not the point. It's not that we procrastinate. It's that we procrastinate about the most important things in our lives and professions. It's not that we're not doing. It's that we are inconsistently connecting and following through on the things that matter most and would give us our biggest payoffs. We're off and on. And, frankly, sometimes not on at all.
Yeah, that's what procrastination looks like. And that's one of the things that are sinking you despite your talent, smarts, and hard work.
What are you doing about that? Is what you're doing working?
You know that I have been a professional management consultant for over twenty-five years. I have earned a very good living by giving both personal and professional advice to businessmen and women. I think I know a little about the skills required to be a great consultant/coach. Maikel, you have the whole package.
Your coaching has been a wonderful help to me Thank you.
Your coaching, although structured, was never canned. I felt your sincere interest in me, and your willingness to be flexible enough to move according to my needs. The exercises you used were useful and fun. I gained insights into my own behavior that surprised me.
Your coaching skills and style were a perfect fit.
Thanks again
Mike H.
How are you dealing with your fears?
Meaning two things: how's it going and what are you doing?
If you are hung up with all of these or any one of them, that's enough to grind your dreams to a stop. They are like huge walls, deep potholes, and uncrossable swamps. They look like they are unconquerable, but you can conquer them and move beyond them. And once you've learned to free yourself from them, the road ahead is much clearer, smoother, and navigable.
How long are you willing to be held hostage by your fears and procrastination?
Limiting Beliefs - A Surprising Filed of Unknown Booby Traps
Surprising? Yeah. Why? Because most folks are terribly unaware of their limiting beliefs. They may be aware of a few, but they really don't know or understand how many they have, how they hold them back, or what to do about them.
Another challenge I find my students get caught in is their limiting beliefs.
Do you have any idea how many you have? Any idea what they've cost you? Would you like to be free of them? What would your life be like if you were no longer troubled by them? Consider that. What would you be like?
Are you ready to move on?
Without your fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs how much easier would it be to make significant strides in your professional development and the achievement of your goals?
Unencumbered, moving on with your life would be like taking a 900-pound gorilla off your back, right? Can you feel that?
As you know, it took me some time to begin to put the pieces together and really see the benefits of what I was learning. But WOW! It seems like I have experienced a complete metamorphosis in the last few weeks.
But more importantly than all that, I have a new sense of possibility in my life. There are skills associated with achievement in anything, right? And they take time to develop.
I KNOW that as I continue to use these tools and the insights I've gained, I'm going to accomplish some of the things I've been thinking about and wanting to do for years but simply haven't had the courage, optimism, or faith to do.
I just can't thank you enough, Maikel, for your guidance and support. Thanks for making a difference!
Maikel Bailey:
I just wanted to thank you for the assistance you have given me to achieve the dreams I have had in my head for the past few years, now. You have shown me how to turn my dreams into goals.
Since going through the personal and business development coaching you provided, I learned to set realistic goals. The first goal of moving from a full-time “job” to working my part-time business into a full-time pursuit only took three months after working with you.
The weekly follow-ups kept me on track, and I have learned to think like an entrepreneur. This shift in mindsets was the key, and I do not believe I would have found it for a very long time without your help.
I am now working full-time in my business and reaping the rewards I have wanted for a very long time. The clarity I have in my business is a direct result of your help.
Thank you, Maikel.
Katheryn W
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